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Monday, February 1, 2010

I should be...

I should be uploading pictures of Hallie's Birthday party but I need to do a quick post about her first ear infection. UGH!! It has been horrible...she is miserable! I am glad that this is the first time she has ever been really sick. We are lucky we made it 2 years without antibiotics. Thank goodness Papa Evans could come over last night to look in her ears...It was such a blessing! Harper has also caught Hallie's nasty cold...she is doing okay but I feel absolutely horrible for her. She basically sleeps, coughs, and cries. It is so sad. A one month old should not be this sick! Well we are going to work on getting better...Then I will post party pictures!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Poor Hallie & Harper!

Hopefully they are both on the mend!!