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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The girls watching Veggie Tales!

Hallie's Nap

This is how we found Hallie one Sunday afternoon during nap...priceless! There is also a picture of her new hobby...playing in the sink! She pretends she is doing the dishes!

Decorating our tree...

Decorating our tree...

Hallie is in the "no clothes" phase. She continually takes her clothes off! I ask her why and she says, "because I am hot!" She is so funny! We had a lot of fun decorating the tree. Hallie really got into it...and Harper even seemed to enjoy herself!

End of November catch up!

End of November catch up!

End of November catch up!

End of November catch up!

Playing catch up before the new year.

These last couple of pictures make me laugh! We were taking pictures at my Dad's airport and there was this glider-type thing flying right above us! The girls could not take their eyes off of it! I was really wanting a looked so cool! It would definitely be a rush!

Playing catch up before the new year.

Playing catch up before the new year.

Playing catch up before the new year.